Cyber Physical Security
Electronic Security
Virtual Reality
3D Printing
Motion Control
High Performane Computing
Magnetic Bearings
Magnetic Apparatus
Jackson Model

Hong Kong Security Association

IntelligentMagnetics™ JR1212 Series Magnetometer Tester JRT3285

JRT3285 Features:

  • Basic Switch Alarm / Secure Test
  • Interface to RS485 Network Switch
  • Remote Test
  • Reverse Battery Protection
  • RoHS Compliant
Digital BMS Sensor Array


The JR1212 Series magnetometer can be tested at the point of installation. The tester interfaces through a RJ11 P6C6 socket to the JR1212 Series magnetometers. A 9 pin D-Sub connector is the interface to a RS232 serial port for communication with networked magnetometers.

RS232 Serial Port

This port allows the tester to be connected to any PC for communication with a networked switch. The tester translates RS485 protocol to RS232 protocol for easy interface with simple programs such as Hyperterm, Putty and CuteCom. Any networked magnetometer can be programmed, initiallized and tested at the point of installation. It is also a good tool for troubleshooting RS485 network nodes with appropriate adapters. The Network Yellow Light flickers with network traffic. This port is dormant when connected to magnetometers without the network feature.

Remote Test

Pushing the Remote Test button puts a positive pulse on the Remote Test line (purple) reseting the device which indicates Secure, Green Light, for one second, indicates an Alarm, Red Light, for one second and then returns to active sensing. If a magnetometer is not connected or the switch is damaged, pushing the remote test button does nothing.