Electronic Security
Virtual Reality
3D Printing
Motion Control
High Performane Computing
Magnetic Bearings
Magnetic Apparatus
Jackson Model
Jackson Research
IntelligentMagnetics™ Jackson Model
Industrial/Aerospace/Military Specifications
Designs by the inventor of the Slotless Wide Airgap Motor
Quantum Mechanical Solution to Unresolved Magnetization of Solids Problem
The following graphs are plots of a closed form analytical solution to an unresolved quantum mechanical problem regarding magnetization of materials. The plots are all generated by a single analytical function. In particular, notice the closed form solution to the characteristic Perminvar "Wasp Waist Curves". The Brillouin Function can be derived as a special case as well as the classical hyperbolic tangent solution. These plots represent only one axis of a 3-D solution
The "Wasp Waist" curves representing Perminvar as seen in Bozorth.
A complete decaying hysterysis curve is generated.

The derivation, the solution and certain implications of the results are all proprietary.