Electronic Security
Virtual Reality
3D Printing
Motion Control
High Performane Computing
Magnetic Bearings
Magnetic Apparatus
Jackson Model
Jackson Research
Phase Angle Meters
  • Line-to-Line: 20VAC to 220VAC
  • Line Voltage Input Impedance: 10 MOhms
  • Tachometer Signals: 0.1V to 5V
    (analog or digital)
  • Frequency: 0.1Hz to 1KHz
  • Phase Angle Resolution: +/- 0.01 Degrees
Phase Angle Meter

The phase angle meter measures phase angles between line-to-line voltages and between tachometer signals used for feedback. The primary use is for alignment of a tachometer to the EC motor phase voltages. The tachometer signals can be from magnetic encoders, resolvers and synchros. The meter output is monitored on a PC over an RS232 network. Phase angle precision in production is dependent upon component position accuracy.

A typical alignment configuration is shown in the photo. The 3-Phase EC motor on the right is driven by the motor on the left. The tachometer is tuned until the proper phase angle between the encoder signals and the winding voltages is achieved.